Wednesday, October 30, 2019

To what extent has the development of the European Security and Essay

To what extent has the development of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) made the European Union (EU) a strategic actor - Essay Example s, a creation of new governmental institutions, a great exchange of ideas, policies and approaches to national and international security and defense. Webber et al. assert that â€Å"the Europeanisation of security has been the great political revolution of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries† (19). One of the outcomes of the process, which is considered to be of a great importance, is the innovative European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). This paper is aimed to discuss the role of the ESDP development process in a building of European security competence and in a strengthening the role of the European Union (EU) in the context of the world security and defense policy. During the period of the Cold War, prior to 1999, the EU played a quite passive role in the own security area. According to the terms of a settlement, made in the early 1950s between the US and the Western European Union (WEU), the EU was a civilian institution, while the responsibility to assure security in Europe was laid upon NATO and WEU (Deighton, 720). In 1990s immense changes shook the Europe, forcing the EU to adapt to these historical changes. The fall of the Berlin Wall and re-uniting of Germany, the break-up of the Soviet Union and the end of the Iron Curtain, the collapse in Yugoslavia and the Balkan War – there are one of the major events of 1990s that changed the old European coordinate system. Since 1991 the role of NATO in the European security has been questioned, and in 1994 the European security and defence identity concept (ESDI) was developed as â€Å"a framework for combined joint task forces, coalitions of the willing for military security provision† (Deighton, 724). In 1997 the EU member states signed the Amsterdam Treaty, which provided the basis of development of a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), of which European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP) is a significant integral part. The political push for this progress was made by France and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Chemistry and Society Essay Example for Free

Chemistry and Society Essay Chemistry is a vast quantity of a person’s everyday life. A person can find chemistry in his or her daily life in the foods that a person eats, air a person breathes, soap, and accurately everything a person comes in contact with. Chemistry is significant in everyday life because chemicals make up everything in life. For example, a person’s body, pet, a desk, the sun, food, and drugs a person may take, to name a few. A person can observe changes in chemistry caused by chemical reactions, such as leaves changing colors, cooking food, and mixing a cleaning product. Knowing chemistry can help a person make day-to-day choices that affect his or her life. For example, if a person should mix certain household chemicals together. Accuracy is the magnitude in which a certain measurement agrees with the standard worth for that measurement (Dictionary, 2011). Precision is how close the measured standards are to each other (Math is fun, 2011). Society depends on accuracy and precision in everyday life. These two relationships are often substituted freely, but both have crucial differences. Businesses entail both accurate and precise measurements to stay in business. Accuracy states that something is constant with an identified rate, whereas precision is the volume of detail something delivers. Society depends on accuracy and precision in many places. One instance is the gas pumps. The gas pump can show accuracy when the gas is flowing, but this is not a precise measurement of how much gas is pumping through the pumps. Gas pumps must not only know how much gas is pumping through the pumps but also how precise the measurement of gas pumped. The gas companies need to know how much is pumped so that the company can charge the right amount for the gas. Sometimes in everyday life a person does not want to be precise. For example, if someone stops and asks for directions to the nearest gas station a person may say that the next gas station is about 10 minutes down the road. Providing directions to someone is a way a person can give accurate information. Another example is, when measuring a room in the house to paint and needing to know how much paint to provide. A person can either measure and provide a precise measurement or provide an accurate measurement on the room to paint. Another precision and accuracy a person may use in every day is how long it takes his or her child to finish the homework. An accurate answer is 20 minutes, but the precise answer would be 20 minutes and 20 seconds. Time is an excellent way to be accurate or precise. References (2011). Accuracy. Retrieved November 3, 2011 from Math is fun. (2011). Accuracy and Precision. Retrieved November 3, 2011 from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Central Processing Unit :: essays research papers

The Central Processing Unit Microprocessors, also called central processing units (CPUs), are frequently described as the "brains" of a computer, because they act as the central control for the processing of data in personal computers (PCs) and other computers. Chipsets perform logic functions in computers based on Intel processors. Motherboards combine Intel microprocessors and chipsets to form the basic subsystem of a PC. Because it's part of every one of your computer's functions, it takes a fast processor to make a fast PC. These processors are all made of transistors. The first transistor was created in 1947 by a team of scientists at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey. Ever since 1947 transistors have shrunk dramitically in size enabling more and more to be placed on each single chip. The transistor was not the only thing that had to be developed before a true CPU could be produced. There also had to be some type of surface to assemble the transistors together on. The first chip made of semiconducitve material or silicon was invented in 1958 by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments. Now we have the major elements needed to produce a CPU. In 1965 a company by the name of Intel was formed and they began to produce CPU's shortly thereafter. Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel, predicted that the number of transistor placed on each CPU would double every 18 months or so. This sounds almost impossible, however this has been a very accutate estimation of the evolution of CPUs. Intel introduced their first processor, a 4004, in November of 1971. This first processor had a clock speed of 108 kilohertz and 2,300 transistors. It was used mainly for simple arithmetic manipulation such as in a calculator. Ever since this first processor was introduced the market has done nothing but soared to unbelievable highs. The first processor common in personal computers was the 8088. This processor was introduced in June of 1978. It could be purchased in three different clock speeds starting at 5 Megahertz and going up to 10 Megahertz. This CPU had 29,000 transistors. Then came the 80286 and 80386 processors. The 386 was the first processor to be introduced in the DX, SX, and SL versions. Next came the 80486 processors of which there were even more choices here. The first 486 processor had 1,200,000 transistors and the latest have 1.4 million transistors. There clock speeds varied any where from 16 MHz on the first ones to 100 MHz on the most recent 486 processors. Some of which are still in use in homes all around the country.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Student Council Essay

Thingss were easier when I was younger. I felt more confident. like I could accomplish everything that I want. When I was in high school. I wasn’t portion of the ‘in-crowd’ but I know good plenty that people knew me. I scored good in most of my tests ; I was portion of the Student Council. and the Senior Council. which made me experience of import. During that clip of my life. I had everything planned. I knew what I wanted. I had this thought in my caput of what my life would be when I enter university and what would go on when I finish. Thingss are merely non every bit simple any longer. My friends and I are all in different hamlets. I’m okay with my life. overall. I know that I’m lucky to hold my household and my friends. Compared to other people. I truly have nil to kick about. But in my head. I want a different life. I want more than what I have. There’s got to be something better out at that place for me. something more that will do me more particular and fulfilled alternatively of experiencing like I’m stuck in oblivion. Trying to be honest with myself is non an easy undertaking. because it meant facing my failures and I’m afraid that I won’t be able to suppress the obstructions in front of me and I will populate my life in the out of boundss. observation as other people live their life and achieve things that I want to accomplish. I don’t want that to go on to me. I want to look back in my life and be happy of what I have and non repent that I didn’t have the bravery to seek different things. that I didn’t attempt and purpose higher. So. I am taking this chance to larn and confront my frights. or my obstructions one by one. Baby stairss. as they say. If I want to populate my life the manner I want it to be. I have to get down making something. I merely can’t sit and dream of things I want. I need to get down doing things go on. and I need to gain that I may non be able to hold it all. but I can hold more. if I start making more. Dreaming about the life I want can merely come true if I start to make something about it. I want to read this in 10. 20 and 30 old ages and be proud of what I have accomplished. and non agitate my caput in shame that I ne'er stepped up to do things better for me. If I want to be able to read this paper 30 old ages from now. the first thing I need to make is do certain I become healthy. and remain healthy. I know what to make. but I’ve ne'er gotten about to making anything. I know that I need to exert. and I’ve done it before. I merely ne'er continued on making the right thing. My end for my wellness so is to get down exerting once more. but this clip. I will go on it. Part of my failure I think is that I expect excessively much. when I don’t lose one kg in one hebdomad. I get discouraged. I need to understand that non everyone can lose one kg a hebdomad. I need to accept that I may non lose weight as fast as the others. I need to put ends for myself and non compare myself to others. Above everything else. I need to be realistic that if I am traveling to accomplish this. I need to hold the forbearance and the subject to transport things through. There are many things I can seek to get down this end. I don’t need to pass a batch of money to lose weight. There are many beginnings. particularly on the cyberspace that can assist me make this. Looking about on line. I think I will make a mixture of things. I can get down running. I’ll start little. like running or ramble oning for 10 proceedingss. so after a hebdomad. possibly I can seek for 15. and after another hebdomad I will seek 20. In between running. I will besides seek and raise weights. Like with my running. I will get down little. Above all. I will seek and non be unrealistic of what I can accomplish. Eating a healthy diet will now be a portion of my new modus operandi. I will eat more veggies and fruits and less debris nutrient. I will imbibe more H2O and less soft drink. I don’t know if it will of all time be possible for me to wholly cut out soft drinks. but I will seek and cut it down. This maybe a harder end to accomplish. but as my program with everything else. I will get down little and non anticipate miracles. What I will make is eat three types of fruits a twenty-four hours at least. They can all be different. or the same. but I will take to eat fruit every twenty-four hours. I will besides do certain I have more veggies. It will non be easy. but if I want to be healthy. eating healthy would necessitate to be portion of my program. The lone thing that would do it easier is that I do non hold to give up intoxicant or coffin nails as I do non like them. Because I do non smoke or imbibe. I do non hold to worry about giving up this dependence. particularly smoking as I heard it is a hard wont to interrupt. The following thing I am reflecting on is my household. I am non as good of a kid as I should be to my parents and to my sister. I need to lend more around the house and non allow them make everything for me. This should be the most simple of all my ends. truly. I can get down in my sleeping room by doing certain it is ever clean and I put off my books. my apparels and everything else where they belong. I will brush the floor and do certain the furniture in my room is non gathering dust. Outside of my room. I will brush the floor and aid with the wash. My female parent is acquiring old. and I know that it is non that easy for her to make the cookery and the cleansing so I will assist her. This is likely be a good clip to advert that I truly can’t cook that good. My female parent can look at our icebox. take out a few veggies and she will be able to feed us that tastes as if she followed a formula. To this twenty-four hours. I don’t cognize how she does it. but I will get down larning how. There are many things I can make around the house to do things better for my parents. and they are truly simple. It will take attempt on my portion. but I know I can make them. I’ve done them before. and I merely don’t like making them. I’ve ne'er asked. but I’m reasonably certain my female parent does non like making everything on her ain either. but she does them. and she may call on the carpet us a few times. but she still does them for us. It’s about clip I do the same for her. I don’t want to be a load to my parents. I want them to see that I can take attention of myself. and that I can take attention of them. Thinking about it. this portion of my end is so easy to accomplish. I can better my life by merely remaining inside the house. Possibly I merely spent excessively much clip dreaming of what could be that I can’t see that the life I want can get down at place. in my really ain room. I don’t have to travel really far to make my ends. It starts at place. if I fail this. so how can I travel frontward? The more I think about it. the more I know I can’t fail. This is about like a trial to see if I can be to the full independent and be able to take attention of people that will be dependent to me. My household is of import to me. and I want to be able to demo them that. and be able to do them experience that. Helping around the house is such a simple construct. and when I think about it. it comes down to being responsible. and I need to take up some duty inside the house. Speaking of being responsible. another trait I need to develop is to be responsible when it comes to money. There are so many things that I want. but don’t truly necessitate. I have a new phone that I use now. I have approximately five old phones that still work. but they’re non the latest. so I kept on replacing them. My old phone still works merely all right. but I wanted one with the GPS. with the cyberspace connexion. I wanted a smart phone. Do I necessitate it? No. But I brought it anyhow because everyone I know has one. If I didn’t purchase this new phone. I’d have more money in the bank. Although. I truly don’t have much in the bank as I should hold. Traveling on vacations. purchasing new things and traveling out with friends is merely more gratifying than seting money in the bank. The latest GFC ( Global Financial Crisis ) nevertheless has gotten me believing. including that Ponzi strategy. I need to do certain I’m smart about my ain money. This will be my hereafter when I am old and non working. I merely can’t trust anyone with what I’ve earned. Reading approximately good educated people losing their nest eggs because they handed it over to person else is a lesson that people need to larn. If it sounds excessively good. it likely is. I don’t want to be 60 or 70 looking at an empty bank history because I handed my money over to person who promised to do me more money. To get down. I truly should halt disbursement on points that I don’t truly necessitate. This end can bind up with my earlier ends. If I buy fruits and veggies and non debris nutrient. I am bound to salvage more money. If I stay at place and go responsible for the house chores. I will non be outside disbursement money on things I truly don’t demand. There are so many enticements to give up though. When I am surrounded by people with all the latest appliances. from their newest phone to the iPad. I keep believing that I want it excessively. I can afford it. so why non? Alternatively of giving into enticement. this clip. I will take a measure back and think of the five phones. one iPod. and one camera. All in good status but non being used because I wanted the latest theoretical account. If I want to hold a good quality of life and non trust on authorities manus outs when I am old. I need to get down doing alterations now. Like my wellness. it is an investing for my hereafter. it is something that merely I have control over. and non even my parents and my friends can assist me if I don’t start economy now. My wellness. my household and my nest eggs program are things I have control over. This following end is a spot trickier. I’m barely the following Donald Trump. and I don’t want to be. I need to get down taking stairss to do certain I’m in a calling that I like. that I can larn from and develop further. There’s traveling to be a batch of bumps in the signifier of rejections headed my manner. but I won’t allow it halt me. There’s merely so much control I have when it comes to my calling. I can use and use and non acquire a occupation. I may non give up. but this route is traveling to be rough. Possibly that’s what I need to make my overall finish of holding a much more fulfilling life. It may be difficult. but I’m really looking frontward to the challenge. At this minute in my life. I need to acquire my pes in the door. I know that one time I’m in. I’d be able to voyage myself better. do more informed determinations. It’s different one time you are ready to work compared to when you were still a kid thought of what you want to make. The older you get. the more experience you get. you either go determined to prosecute your end. or to prosecute another avenue. I had a friend who was determined to go a attorney and revolved her life into doing certain she becomes one. She now works as a journalist and is wholly happy where she is. It wasn’t because she failed at jurisprudence. once she was at that place. she realised it’s different from what she envisioned when she was a kid. I wanted to be many things when I was younger that I don’t even retrieve what I truly want. I want to do certain I don’t acquire into a calling that I will detest and pass the following half of my life suffering. Wherever I end up in. I will larn from the people I work with. my higher-ups and develop my accomplishments. Sooner or subsequently. I will do a move. and I need to be certain that I know what I’m making and that I will be ready for any new challenges or any effects of my actions. This country of my life is such a fuzz at the minute. and I’d instead play it safe than take a hazard. This country of my life has so many factors to see. and the merely other country of my life that is even more of a fuzz. is my love life. which is presently non-existent. There. I said it. I have no love life. Depending on my temper. I don’t attention. There are times when I wish I was with person. and there are times when I am glad that I’m non. I would ne'er of all time admit it out loud. but there’s a portion of me that wants it more and more. Among my friends. there are merely three of us that are individual. and I know that figure will shortly diminish. I don’t precisely know how love tantrums in the expansive strategy of things when it comes to my life. I mean. I know I can’t unrecorded without the love of my household or my friends. but the love of a spouse. is likely more negotiable. I can’t unrecorded without good wellness. I can’t unrecorded without my household. and I can’t survive without nest eggs and a calling. but a love life? I think I can populate without it. The inquiry so becomes. make I desire to? Like I said. I have my minutes. Sometimes I want to be with person. sometimes I don’t. I don’t even know why I think this is a capable worth mentioning in my pursuit to hold the life I want to populate if I’m so baffled by it. When I was younger. I don’t even retrieve desiring a hubby with two childs and a white lookout fencing. When I was younger. I wanted a fabulous flat in the metropolis on the upper floors so I can watch the metropolis visible radiations from my balcony. At this really minute nevertheless. believing about this peculiar topic. what do I want from a spouse? I want him to be smart ; I want him to be amusing. loyal and respectful. I don’t even have a ‘type’ . I don’t care what nationality he is. or what color his hair or his eyes are. If I have to depict him in a physical sense. so I want him to be tall. I don’t know why. Possibly it’s the girly-girl in me who wants person she can tilt on. I truly don’t know. The whole construct confuses me. After reading through what I wrote. I’m really rather aroused and more optimistic. seting it on paper makes it more existent. more possible to accomplish my ends. I watched the film â€Å"Invictus† . and reminded me of a quotation mark in the film that I believe fits this undertaking. The line came from a verse form of the same rubric by William Ernest Henley: â€Å"I am the maestro of my destiny ; I am the captain of my psyche. † I can’t think of anything else that fits this undertaking absolutely. I know that I am the lone 1 who can compose this. I am besides the lone 1 that can do things go on in my life. I have a long route in front of me. and I will be ready to do that journey. When I read this once more in the hereafter. no affair how long that is. I want this paper to be the testament of my beginning. and I can so compose my ain stoping.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Parliamentary Ombudsman Essay

The Ombudsman deals with issues that had resulted in questions in Parliament. The Ombudsman is the custodian of the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information. Schedule 2 of the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967, requires of certain institutions to assist the Ombudsman in disclosing information on request. However there are fifteen exemptions that regulate the release of the information under this Code (Ministerial Accountability And Parliamentary Questions).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Ombudsman investigates complaints from Members of Parliament that certain information that had been withheld as per the requirements of the Code, was to be revealed. The office of the Ombudsman has to deal with important papers and take decisions by exercising proper judgment. The office of the Ombudsman attempts to resolve complaints before any official action is initiated with regard to them, as such the work of the Ombudsman is informal or unofficial. There are certain restrictions that prevent the active participation of the Ombudsman. In 2005, it was declared that the Information Commissioner was to be bound by the provision of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and should act within the scope of those provisions. Another drawback is that several departments do not cooperate with the office of the Ombudsman and depict reluctance to accept its recommendations. There was an absence of cooperation between the office of the Ombudsman and other departments in resolving complaints. Furthermore, changes in the activities and role of the Ombudsman are subject to legislation (Ministerial Accountability And Parliamentary Questions).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967 sets out the job description, powers and responsibilities of the Commissioner. The institution of the Ombudsman is autonomous and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  neither reports to the government nor is it a public servant. The Queen on the endorsement of Letters Patent appoints the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman’s responsibility is to inquire into complaints referred by members of the public in the event of their having sustained loss or injustice due to maladministration by the government departments or other public agencies. These complaints have to be forwarded by a Member of Parliament. The complainants have to   first lodge their complaints with the concerned department and facilitate the concerned officials to act on the complaint before its transmission to some other agency. Not all matters are dealt with by the Ombudsman, because certain complaints are more appropriately redressed by an appeal to a tribunal or by filing a case in a court of law. Many departments can decide on the basis of their discretionary powers. For instance the Legal Aid Board and the Planning Inspectorate are empowered to take independent decisions. If it can be established that a discretionary decision entailed maladministration, then the Ombudsman can intervene and question such acts of maladministration. The Ombudsman can also investigate administrative decisions taken on behalf of courts and tribunals but not the decisions taken directly by courts and tribunals (Parry, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The rulings of the Ombudsman are subject to judicial review as in the case of ministerial decisions. In 1994, a court affirmed this important fact in a case. Under the judicial review, it is ascertained if the application of the legislative provisions had been done correctly, while taking a decision. However, the decisions of the Parliamentary Commissioner are rarely subjected to the judicial review process. In April 2004, the High Court rejected a judicial review petition of the representatives of the Equitable Members Action Group, who were contesting the decision taken by the Ombudsman with regard to the regulation of Equitable Life (Parry, 2004). The Ombudsman does not act as courts or tribunals. The Ombudsman’s duty is not to mediate or negotiate as in the case of alternative dispute resolutions. Although the Ombudsman is a distinctive platform for taking important decisions, it is not an alternative in the process of decision making. In R v Secretary of State for Pensions, on behalf of Bradley and others, judicial review was sought due to the refusal of the authorities to provide information relating to pension schemes. In that case, Justice Bean opined that the Ombudsman exercises very wide discretion under which the Ombudsman can permit a public adversarial hearing in order to educe facts. However such discretionary power of the Parliamentary Ombudsman or the Local Government Ombudsman is subject to Parliament discretion (R v Secretary of State for Pensions, on behalf of Bradley and others, 2007).   In the event of the occurrence of maladministration or failure to provide service the Ombudsman intervenes and decides the further course of action to be undertaken for effecting redressal. Despite the fact that the decisions of the Ombudsman are final, the courts can initiate a judicial review on these decisions (Principles of Good Administration).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Ombudsman comes to the rescue of individuals in order to provide redressal of their complaints against the activities of the government agencies’ activities and other entities. Several types of Ombudsmen are established by legislation. The foremost amongst them is the Parliamentary Commissioner.   There are other authorities who act as ombudsmen such as the Health Service Commissioners who deal with complaints lodged against the Health Service and the Local Commissioners or Local Government Ombudsmen who investigate complaints against local authorities. They resolve complaints by making the necessary recommendations to the departments against whom the complaints had been lodged. They can make public recommendations but they do not possess the power to enforce such recommendations. The Parliamentary Commissioner inquires only into complaints, which are lodged by a Member of Parliament. The general public can approach the Local Government Ombudsmen directly or through a local representative. Individuals are initially required to bring their complaints to a Councillor or an MP. Subsequently, if no action is initiated or if the action initiated is unsatisfactory then the complaint is forwarded to the Ombudsman (Ombudsman, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is the responsibility of the Members of Parliament to ensure that the general public has access to relevant authorities, in order to secure redress for maladministration or poor service. However, if they fail to get satisfactory redress or action from those mechanisms then they can approach the Ombudsmen (The Ombudsman – who are her customers?).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ombudsmen can resolve most of the complaints received by them. Efforts have been undertaken in the United Kingdom to attain a general cooperation among several Ombudsmen. There are certain barriers to this laudable objective. Some Ombudsmen are affiliated to the outdated legislative framework, their actions are subject to legislation and there is no direct access. The MPs have to forward complaints to the Ombudsmen if problems arise with public servants. Hence, the citizens need to have direct access to the office of Ombudsmen. There are a number of problems in reforming institutional aspects, in the context of the devolution and decentralization of powers. In the present scenario of multi agency service provision, a coherent complaint handling procedure is urgently needed (The Ombudsman – who are her customers?).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order to eliminate potential restraints, there should be a Cabinet Office review of the activities and responsibilities of public sector ombudsmen. There should be institutional reform and the legislative framework should be modified to suit modern day challenges with regard to the operational scope of the Ombudsman (The Ombudsman – who are her customers?).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee or the PACS had acrimoniously criticised several departments for maladministration and inefficiency. Some of these departments were the Immigration and Nationality Directorate, the Child Support Agency and the Legal Services Commission. In its report, based on the findings of the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the PACS pointed out a number of shortcomings in government bodies. The report criticised the obsolete IT systems of these departments, their failure and unanticipated delays in responding to questions relating to the Hinduja brothers’ case and the queries raised by the Member of Parliament, Peter Mandelson (Public Administration Select Committee).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The PACS pointed out the failures of administration, departmental apathy and the negative influence of political parties on the administrative process. It also exhorted the Government to respond to the report and initiate immediate action (Public Administration Select Committee).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Home Office was also criticised for its reluctant and indifferent behaviour towards the Code on Access to Government Information. The Home Office had failed to carry out a decision of the Ombudsman when the latter ruled that the former had to reveal information regarding the number of times Ministers had declared their interests. This was the first time that a government department had refused to comply with the Ombudsman’s ruling. The PACS considered this to be a dangerous development. The Committee criticised the then Cabinet Secretary for failing to disclose the information on the specious claim that it was beyond the purview of the Ombudsman (Public Administration Select Committee).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Home Office was further criticised for its indifferent response to the Ombudsman’s inquiries and his request for papers that relate to the case of the Hinduja brothers and Peter Mandelson MP. There were several repeated failures to reply to the Ombudsman’s letters coupled with extraordinary delays and the supply of incorrect and unrelated files to the Ombudsman Office. As such, it could be construed as a conspiracy to withhold the called for information and constituted an administrative failure in the Home Office. The PACS had recommended to the Government that it should immediately initiate action to correct such maladministration and to reform the entire Ombudsman system (Public Administration Select Committee).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The number of complaints with regard to tax credits, to the Parliamentary Ombudsman is gradually increasing. Nearly twenty – six percent of the total complaints pertain to tax credits. They fall under three categories, namely, the design of the system, mishandling and failures in handling complaints and unjust recovery of overpayments (Ombudsman says that HMRC is in danger of Getting it Wrong on Tax Credits, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The designing part of the system is a process which Parliament and the government have to consider. The principles of the annualised system are difficult to comprehend by the individuals. Under the present system, overpayments and underpayments are inevitable and take place despite the best possible administration. This leads to the dissatisfaction among individuals and gives rise to several complaints. Such dissatisfaction and distress are often experienced by the low income group families, who are required to return the debts unexpectedly. In some cases, they may be required to repay the debt after a long period of time had elapsed (Ombudsman says that HMRC is in danger of Getting it Wrong on Tax Credits, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The British Constitution had provided an important position to the Parliamentary Ombudsman. The fundamental role of the Ombudsman is to provide efficient and productive redress to the complainants against acts of maladministration by the government bodies. In achieving this efficient alternative redress provider status, the Parliamentary Ombudsman requires mutual cooperation between several departments and the office of the Ombudsman. However, the reality is otherwise and resistance and apathy are exhibited by several governments department, while responding to the inquiries of the office of the Ombudsman. For instance, during the period 2005 to 2006 the Parliamentary Ombudsman was compelled to submit a special report when the findings of the Ombudsmen were rejected by several government departments (Kirkhamn, Sep2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Parliamentary Ombudsman submitted a special report with regard to the investigation in to the proceedings of the ex gratia schemes for the British groups engaged by the Japanese during the World War II. The Special Report was submitted to the Parliament under section 10(3) of the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967. This report discussed the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s powers and their legal aspects in quite some detail. It also discussed the functions of the ombudsman and its powers in interpreting the inquiry process. It also focussed on the power of ombudsman to investigate acts of maladministration by government bodies. In one particular instance, the Ministry of Defence had challenged the authority of the ombudsman in investigating claims of maladministration against it and held that this constitute trespass into its authority. This Ministry contended that such a prerogative was solely the province of the courts and not that of the ombudsman (Kirkhamn, Sep2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This Special Report clearly established the authority of the government bodies and public authorities and the extent to which the ombudsman could conduct investigations into their alleged acts of maladministration. The conclusion to be reached from these developments is that the parliamentary ombudsman has become more or less redundant and does not serve any useful purpose. Moreover, this body cannot compel any government department to comply with its decisions (Kirkhamn, Sep2006). Another drawback with the ombudsman system is that the person, who lodges a complaint, has to wait for a considerable period of time, prior to any decision being taken with regard to the complaint. A number of cases were observed to have been abandoned by the complainants due to this inordinate delay. In comparison, the judicial process is much faster. Moreover, the ombudsman system cannot compel the government bodies to accept its decision. On an average, the time taken to take a decision by the ombudsman, in respect of a complaint, was around two years (Caplan, 2006. P. 203). References Caplan, R. (2006. P. 203). International Governance of War – Torn Territories: Rule and Reconstruction. Oxford University Press. Kirkhamn, R. (Sep2006). Challenging the Authority of the Ombudsman: The Parliamentary Ombudsman’s Special Report onWartime Detainees. Modern Law Review , Vol. 69 Issue 5, p792-818, 27p; DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2230.2006.00610.x; (AN 21979909). Ministerial Accountability And Parliamentary Questions. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2007, from Ombudsman. (2004). Retrieved November 25, 2007, from In Dictionary of Politics and Government: Ombudsman says that HMRC is in danger of Getting it Wrong on Tax Credits. (2007, June). Retrieved November 25, 2007, from Press release: Parry, K. (2004, June 8). Ombudsman decisions: right of appeal. Retrieved November 25, 2007, from Parliament & Constitution Centre Standard Note: SN/PC/3079: Principles of Good Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2007, from Public Administration Select Committee. (n.d.). Pasc Attacks â€Å"Disturbing† Evidence Of Government Administrative Failure. Retrieved November 25, 2007, from Session 2002-03. Press Notice No.8: R v Secretary of State for Pensions, on behalf of Bradley and others, (2007) EWHC 242 Admin (2007). The Ombudsman – who are her customers? (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2007, from   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Understanding Diacritical Marks in French

Understanding Diacritical Marks in French There are four French accents for vowels and one accent for a consonant. Understanding each of these accents is vital because they actually change the pronunciation of the letters that they modify, essentially creating completely different letters for the French language.   Vowel Accents The accent aigu  ´ (acute accent) can only be on an E. At the beginning of a word, it often indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., à ©tudiant (student).The accent grave (grave accent) can be found on an A, E, or U. On the A and U, it usually serves to distinguish between words that would otherwise be homographs; e.g., ou (or) vs oà ¹ (where).The accent circonflexe ˆ (circumflex) can be on an A, E, I, O, or U. The circumflex usually indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., forà ªt (forest). It also serves to distinguish between homographs; e.g., du (contraction of de le) vs dà » (past participle of devoir).The accent trà ©ma  ¨ (dieresis or umlaut) can be on an E, I, or U. It is used when two vowels are next to each other and both must be pronounced, e.g., naà ¯ve, Saà ¼l. Consonant Accent The cà ©dille  ¸ (cedilla) is found only on the letter C. It changes a hard C sound (like K) into a soft C sound (like S), e.g., garà §on. The cedilla is never placed in front of E or I, because C always sounds like an S in front of these vowels. Capital Letters It is essential to put accents in their proper places; an incorrect or missing accent is a spelling mistake just as an incorrect or missing letter would be. The only exception to this is capital letters, which are often left unaccented.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Funny Birthday Card Messages and Quotes

Funny Birthday Card Messages and Quotes Theres not much better  than a spot-on,  hilarious  line  to tickle your funny bone. Everyone wants to wish the birthday person Happy birthday in their own style so why not use some humor? Some people like to use inspirational birthday quotes  to express their good wishes, while  others enjoy making witty comments about birthdays. However, the ones that are always appealing are the funny birthday quotes. Humor can be a great stress-buster, especially if your comedic timing is on point.   How Much Is Too Much? Jokes are always great icebreakers, but what if you cross the threshold of decency? What if your joke, instead of causing ripples of laughter, causes bubbles of fury? To be able to deliver a funny birthday message, you need to be sensitive towards others. If the birthday person has a low tolerance for personal jokes, steer clear of the common pitfalls. That means, no jokes about weight, color, race, gender, or any physical deformity. Politically incorrect humor can boomerang, especially when used in birthday cards. Funny birthday wishes that tease someone about their habits, fears, or idiosyncrasies are usually considered acceptable.Humor also has to be tailored keeping in mind your relation to the birthday person. If you are sending a birthday wish to a very close friend or family member, you can be more wicked in your humor. But you may want to think twice about using dirty humor with your  boss, for example. The Done to Death Humor Some jokes are fun the first time you read them, however, when you read the same joke year after year, you tend to get tired of it it is hard to even smile over the stale joke. If you want to pep up your friend with funny quotes, make sure that you have not used them before. If you cant create your own humor, use the help of random funny quotes to create your own humorous line. Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say Humor is a potent medium of communication, and sometimes you run the risk of over communicating. What does that mean? Well, some jokes are full of innuendo, leaving room for different types of interpretation. So watch out for the ones that take off on a tangent. If you intend to use a pun, make sure that you are not offending anybodys sensibilities. How to Use Funny Birthday Messages To successfully pull off a side-splitting birthday message, heres what to do: Think about the person you are sending the birthday message to, and ask yourself, Whats unique about this person? Perhaps she or he is lazy, a workaholic, perhaps she has many pets or is a stickler for cleanliness. Then use this information to scout around the Internet for funny birthday quotes. Having found one that fits the bill, you can either use the original or tweak it to suit your humor style. That way, youll have an original greeting every time you send out birthday wishes. Famous Funny Birthday Quotes   Bette DavisOld age is not for sissies. ​ Satchel PaigeHow old would you be if you didnt know how old you are?​ Mitch Hedberg I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didnt have one. So I got a cake. ​ Doug CouplandHandmade presents are scary because they reveal that you have too much free time. ​ Norman WisdomAs you get older, three things happen: The first is your memory goes, and I cant remember the other two.   Franklin AdamsThe worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other. ​ Al FormanI occasionally get birthday cards from fans. But it’s often the same message: They hope it’s my last. ​ J. P. SearsLet us respect gray hairs, especially our own.​ Maurice ChevalierOld age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative. ​ Benny HillHave you noticed that all the people in favor of birth control are already born? ​ Friedrich NietzscheBlessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders. ​ Josh BillingsEvery man has his follies and often they are the most interesting thing he has got. ​ Jane AustenYou have delighted us long enough. I have met a lot of hardboiled eggs in my time, but youre twenty minutes. Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason. ​ Bill CosbyA word to the wise aint necessary its the stupid ones that need the advice. ​ C. E. M. JoadMen are like wine. Some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age. ​ John P. GrierYou are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime. ​ Jim GaffiganPie can’t compete with cake. Put candles in a cake, it’s a birthday cake. Put candles in a pie, and somebody’s drunk in the kitchen. ​ Steven WrightFor my birthday I got a humidifier and a dehumidifier. I put them in the same room and let them fight it out. I can stand brute force, but brute reason is quite unbearable. There is something unfair about its use. It is hitting below the intellect. ​ Dorothy ParkerIf you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to. ​ Colonel SandersTheres no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You cant do any business from there. ​ Jack HandeyBefore you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Memorial Day Lesson Plan, Ideas, and Quick Crafts

Memorial Day Lesson Plan, Ideas, and Quick Crafts Traditionally, the end of May is a time for laying wreaths at military graves and paying tribute to the lives sacrificed by our troops in order to preserve our freedoms. These Memorial Day lesson plans will get you and your students back to basics, ready to observe the holiday as much more than simply a day away from school. By teaching your students about the terms veteran and sacrifice you will be instilling pride for our nations military in the next generation. No matter how we feel individually about this war or other conflicts, the men and women who have given their lives for our nation certainly deserve respect. And even if youve forgotten about Memorial Day until now or left your planning to the last minute, the following lesson ideas are so easy to implement, you can use them tomorrow with hardly any prep time. Last Minute Memorial Day Activities Here are five quick lesson ideas to teach your students about Memorial Day. Use these ideas when you are in a pinch, or as an extension activity. 1. Be a Proud American Citizen Do your students know the symbolic meaning of our American flag? Can they recite the Pledge of Allegiance or sing the National Anthem by heart? If not, theres no time like Memorial Day to make sure your students have the basic skills of being a proud American citizen. You can turn this information into a craft activity by following up the instruction with time to color the American flag or illustrating the words of The Star-Spangled Banner. 2. A Million Thanks Use the website for to support the U.S. troops currently serving our country. Through letter writing, you can teach about the meaning of the Memorial Day holiday and, at the same time, offer your students real-life Language Arts practice in the art of letter writing and thank-you notes. 3. Childrens Literature Share informative and entertaining books with your students, such as Christin Ditchfields Memorial Day or Theresa Goldings Memorial Day Surprise. Afterward, have your students draw to express their feelings about the sacrifices of people who fight for our nations freedom. 4. Recite a Poem Ask your students to choose one of these Memorial Day poems and give them time to memorize the poem in order to recite it in front of the class. Memorization and public speaking are two important skills that are often overlooked by teachers, so why not use the Memorial Day holiday as an excuse to focus on them? 5. Create a Crossword Use Puzzlemaker to create a crossword puzzle or word search with Memorial Day vocabulary words customized for your students grade level. Some suggested words might include: veteran, soldiers, military, freedom, sacrifice, country, general, remember, heroes, American, patriotic, generations, and nation. You can start off the lesson with vocabulary instruction and a discussion with your students on the meanings behind these loaded words. You can also peruse this collection of Memorial Day resources for kids and choose from the quizzes, logic puzzles, and online activities that are available for teachers to use for free. Looking for more Memorial Day ideas? Try this collection of activities and patriotic ideas to help you celebrate the men and women who serve our country. Edited By: Janelle Cox

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Lindas and The Womans Stockings as a motiv of play death of a salesman Assignment

Lindas and The Womans Stockings as a motiv of play death of a salesman - Assignment Example In this essay we would be analyzing the motifs used in the story with special focus on the motif of the woman’s ‘stockings’. The first time the motif of the stockings appears in the play is when the characters are younger. Willy complains to Linda that he would be unable to pay the bills since people do not like him and he is bad at his job. It is at this juncture that he day dreams about his mistress who laughingly flirts with him and thanks him for the stockings he gave her. The image of the stocking portrays his infidelity and his deceit towards Linda because it is her stockings that he takes and gives it to his mistress. The image of the stockings appears again when Willy’s elder son Biff discovers his father with his mistress in their hotel room in Boston. The significance and meaning the stockings take on here is one of deceit and ingenuity. Biff accuses his father of giving the woman Linda’s stockings and hates him for it. The stockings in this context describes Willy’s ingenuity because he let’s his family down by going after a woman of cheap repute. As the story progresses, the stockings are shown to hold the significant meaning of Willy’s guilt. Willy becomes obsessed with Linda’s stockings and when he sees her mending some stockings he shouts at her and asks her to throw them out. The image of the stockings in this part of the story describes Willy’s remorse brought on by his infidelity. He is unable to bear the sight of the stockings because it reminded him of his infidelity towards his wife. The image of the stockings is used by the author as a metaphorical device to describe sexual infidelity and betrayal which are strong symbols in the story. The image of new stockings is very importantly used to depict Willy’s pride of being able to financially support his family and also to show his guilt in betraying

Friday, October 18, 2019

Term paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Term paper - Assignment Example Non verbal communication includes the use of gestures, body languages, the dressing code and even the scent. All these convey very significant information which at times speaks even louder than verbal communication. There is also the written communication which may be in the form of letters, memos, reports, minutes, books, emails, internet and magazines. Another form of communication is the use of visuals such as graphs, maps, logos, charts among others (Alvesson 45-9). The key elements of communication include the message, the sender, the receiver, encoding, decoding, medium of transmission, and the feedback. The message is the information that is being transmitted. For communication to be effective, the message has to be very accurate, clear and correct. The central idea ought to be necessarily communicated very clearly so that the receiver is able to understand and utilize the content of the message. The sender is the person who is transmitting the message. He is the one to determine the medium to use in sending the information. The sender is therefore very important in the process of communication since he is able to determine the success or failure of communication. If the sender uses a wrong channel, the information may not reach the intended audience. Similarly, if he does not embrace the clarity of the ideas that are to be communicated, the information may get distorted and therefore not serve its intended purpose. Communication is very essential at the work place. Without effective communication in an organization, several problems are bound to arise. As such, for any organization to realize its objectives effectively there ought to be effective transmission and communication. Effective and efficient communication is critical for managers in organizations so as to perform the basic functions of management including: leading, planning, organizing, and controlling. Communication

Critical Issues in Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Critical Issues in Globalisation - Essay Example Through evaluating its existing business situation, Marks and Spencer needs to review its market segmentation, share out its products to diverse target markets, and serve its clients efficaciously. Introduction Marks and Spencer is a worldwide company that spreads throughout Europe, Asia and North America. It sells footwear, clothing, food, house appliances and gifts. This paper will comprise three sections. Principally, it will evaluate the micro and macro environment of Marks and Spencer. Secondly, the paper will employ SWOT to evaluate the four facets of its business. Lastly, the paper will a draw an inference concerning the whole evaluation and provide the necessary recommendations. PEST Analysis The extensive external factors, which indirectly affect a company, comprise legal, political, social, economic and technological aspects. These frameworks will show how the macro environment influences M&S in formulating its marketing decisions. Legal and Political Environment It is very crucial for firms to adhere to government policies and global organisation structures such as the World Health Organisation, when formulating their marketing policies. Governments, particularly in the advanced countries, pay attention to the human and ecological environment life. Governments devise policies and systems to monitor companies and their products, for instance, energy saving strategies and genetically modified foodstuff regulation. The United Kingdom government has initiated energy saving policies such as climate change duty and Green Tariff on energy usage to reduce carbon dioxide and supplied subsidisations to enhance its policies. Marks and Spencer has instituted an incentive scheme in which stores can retain a 10% value of every savings they generate in its budget (Marks & Spencer 2012). This scheme aids Marks and Spencer in saving around 5 per cent of M&S energy. In current years, the gene technology has increased significantly. Some of the technology has been util ised to manufacture food. Nonetheless, some of the technology can bring about environmental pollution and jeopardise human health. Marks and Spencer declared that it would be stocking non-GM foods upon its shelves. Economic Economic aspects affect firms to either develop or retrench their business, for instance, loss-generating operations and their non-primary business operations. For example, the 9/11 misfortune in United States caused numerous firms to encounter depressions within Europe and North American countries. The 9/11 mishap in United States caused consumers to alter their purchasing habits and sales decreased tremendously. In fact, M&S lost about 8.6m pound worth of profits in 2001-2002 from its worldwide retailers. However, M&S has shut its deficit-generating operations within Continental Europe and sold out its non-core business within North America (Marks & Spencer 2012). Social Factors Buyers’ needs change incessantly. People desire to feel modern, special, and well situated. Therefore, people buy fashionable apparel and spend credit cards to fulfil their needs. M&S keeps up with the newest colour and style. Though it has high-ranking quality goods, M&S co. does not take into account the customers’ needs, particularly in clothing market (Marks & Spencer 2012). Technological Factors In the current era, information technology has be

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Biology Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Biology - Annotated Bibliography Example australis is the least tolerant of modified environments. Though the study is location-dependent, it still exemplifies a good scientific paper since the researchers were able to explicitly state their aims and their methods of going about their 12- year study. However, since it was indicated that later in the research, a newer technology (GPS) was used, I think that it would be better if the data presentation included the tracked items via GPS. The suggestion would add another dimension (the power of technology) to the research but the lack of it does not alter the completeness of the paper since even a sufficient background information and the significance of the study were provided. Lloyd, K. M., W. G. Lee, and S. Walker. 2006. Takahe Valley Hut: a focal point for weed invasion in an isolated area of Fiordland National Park, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology Vol. 30(3): 371-375. The study aimed to look at back country recreational facilities as focal points for the spread of weeds. The research that was done in Takahe Valley Hut of the Fiordland National Park in New Zealand was able to conclude that grasses are the most invasive plant forms and that among the different types of land areas, bogs and forestly are the most resistant to invasion. The methodology of the study provided site, and climate descriptions, as well as vegetation sampling in the studied area. Moreover, ordination was utilized to analyze the data from the vegetation sampling done. The study is greatly dependent on location; however, this is not the main reason why the paper can not be considered as a good example of scientific writing. The problem lies with the lack of background information regarding the characteristics that make a plant form exotic, invasive and/or native. Though almost everyone may have a sense of what an exotic plant is, the term should contain definite limits because readers should not be left guessing whether the plant is exotic in the world, the whole country of New Zealand or just the southern portion of the said country. The research may be aimed at providing more information for the locals of New Zealand; but this does not mean that the data should be presented in such a way that familiarity is easily assumed and even, at the expense of completeness. ---------------------- Writer's note: the articles are available on-line at: pls note that the capitalized letters in the journal article title indicate proper nouns ---------------------- Johns, P. M., and B. Boag. 2003. The spread and distribution of terrestrial planarians (Turbellaria: Tricladida: Geoplanidae) within New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology Vol.27(2): 201-206. Abstract: The New Zealand flatworm, Arthurdendyus triangulatus (formerly Artioposthia triangulata) has become established in the British Isles and the Faroe Islands and its human-mediated spread within Northern Ireland and Scotland is well documented. The geographical distributions within New Zealand of it and two related species, A. australis and A. testacea have always been assumed to reflect the natural distribution patterns. However, an analysis of the vegetation groups where the flatworms are presently found suggests that within New Zealand

High Aspect Ratio Photolithography for MEMS Application Article

High Aspect Ratio Photolithography for MEMS Application - Article Example Review There are several methods that have been used in photolithography and fabrication of molds for use in metal microstructures. LIGA is one of the most common methods that have been previously used for this purpose; this approach has some advantages in that it can be used with tall microstructures that ranged from 100Â µm to 1mm. The effectiveness of this method is that it has no effect on the lateral dimensional accuracy of the long microstructures making it a versatile method, and this explains why it is popular among other photolithographic methods. The limitation of this method is that fabrication of LIGA involves a considerably high cost, and lack of an x-ray synchronized source that would give hard x-rays of high intensity and with low divergent properties. Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) s another method that involves polyamide, which is sued to fabricate low cost high aspect ratio structures as compared to LIGA above. With this process, a thickness of 100Â µm is achieved wit h the aspect ratio being 10. The limitation of this process is the tediousness of modifying the RIE machine. In addition to these approaches, there are several other methods that have been used for this purpose and include the high aspect commercial photolithography with photoresists and a UV light source, and the use of a photosensitive polyamide with a UV exposure in fabricating metal molds. The research by Miyajima & Mehregany (1995) involved integrating the above methods in previous studies, and solving the limitations of the studies to achieve low cost high-aspect-ration structures in photolithography. To achieve this, commercially available positive photoresists and UV exposure increasing molds were used together with electroless nickel plating. In the research, a 2-3Â µm line width was maintained and increasing the photoresists thickness, that the above LIGA approach in photolithography lacked. The research used electrostatic actuator micro machined at 1.5Â µ active gaps wi th a polysilicon of up to 5Â µm. The difference in this approach was that instead of increasing the gap height, the gap side was increased. This resulted to reduced use of high aspect ratio structures due to reduced force/torque. This is the main difference comparing this approach and the previous approaches in photolithography. Coating speed was very important in the cause of this research. A lower speed of 1000 rpm portrayed rough surfaces in the photoresists and mask-wafer spacing was small to result to a high resolution pattern. The optimum speed for high resolution was set at 2000rpm and a uniform coating, thickness and a smooth final surface was achieved after the final layer. The prebake temperatures were essential in that an extended prebake time resulted to high-resolution with diluted developer and standard exposure. The prebake temperature ranged between 95 and105 oC, with the optimum temperature being set at 100oC. After each layer, prebake was done at the same temperat ure to enhance drying. This was because, prebake after applying the second layer was observed to result to cracking mainly due to uneven heating in the two layers that resulted to stresses, and eventually cracking. The optimum prebake temperature of 100oC at 30 min was selected as the optimum prebake conditions after each layer. This time was important in that a short prebake time could have resulted to defects caused by the remaining solvent in the photoresis

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Biology Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Biology - Annotated Bibliography Example australis is the least tolerant of modified environments. Though the study is location-dependent, it still exemplifies a good scientific paper since the researchers were able to explicitly state their aims and their methods of going about their 12- year study. However, since it was indicated that later in the research, a newer technology (GPS) was used, I think that it would be better if the data presentation included the tracked items via GPS. The suggestion would add another dimension (the power of technology) to the research but the lack of it does not alter the completeness of the paper since even a sufficient background information and the significance of the study were provided. Lloyd, K. M., W. G. Lee, and S. Walker. 2006. Takahe Valley Hut: a focal point for weed invasion in an isolated area of Fiordland National Park, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology Vol. 30(3): 371-375. The study aimed to look at back country recreational facilities as focal points for the spread of weeds. The research that was done in Takahe Valley Hut of the Fiordland National Park in New Zealand was able to conclude that grasses are the most invasive plant forms and that among the different types of land areas, bogs and forestly are the most resistant to invasion. The methodology of the study provided site, and climate descriptions, as well as vegetation sampling in the studied area. Moreover, ordination was utilized to analyze the data from the vegetation sampling done. The study is greatly dependent on location; however, this is not the main reason why the paper can not be considered as a good example of scientific writing. The problem lies with the lack of background information regarding the characteristics that make a plant form exotic, invasive and/or native. Though almost everyone may have a sense of what an exotic plant is, the term should contain definite limits because readers should not be left guessing whether the plant is exotic in the world, the whole country of New Zealand or just the southern portion of the said country. The research may be aimed at providing more information for the locals of New Zealand; but this does not mean that the data should be presented in such a way that familiarity is easily assumed and even, at the expense of completeness. ---------------------- Writer's note: the articles are available on-line at: pls note that the capitalized letters in the journal article title indicate proper nouns ---------------------- Johns, P. M., and B. Boag. 2003. The spread and distribution of terrestrial planarians (Turbellaria: Tricladida: Geoplanidae) within New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology Vol.27(2): 201-206. Abstract: The New Zealand flatworm, Arthurdendyus triangulatus (formerly Artioposthia triangulata) has become established in the British Isles and the Faroe Islands and its human-mediated spread within Northern Ireland and Scotland is well documented. The geographical distributions within New Zealand of it and two related species, A. australis and A. testacea have always been assumed to reflect the natural distribution patterns. However, an analysis of the vegetation groups where the flatworms are presently found suggests that within New Zealand

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Jornal assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jornal assignment - Essay Example On the other hand, young people have their whole lives ahead of them, so they have all the more reason to vote. Another reason why young people don’t get out and vote as much is because they do not consider it a priority in their lives. Young people aged between 18 and 29 generally have other activities that keep them preoccupied, such as studying, working, or partying. For these first two activities, young people could actually improve their prospects of getting a job or receiving a scholarship to go to university simply by voting for politicians who support education and creating jobs. For the issue of partying, there is not much to do that could change young people’s attitudes because of the particular stage where they are at in their lives. Furthermore, young people may not vote because they constantly move from state to state and so are not registered to vote where they currently reside. Young people often experience great upheaval as part of their lives, and this may mean moving from state to state to try and find a suitable job. Changing over voter registration to another state may seem complicated and too time consuming, and so young people just choose not to update their details. Also, if young people are out of state, then they may not want to send in a ballot beforehand because it involves a lot of extra effort. The key to getting young people to the ballot box is by making things as simple as possible for them. The first way to encourage young people to vote is by providing education about the voting system and what their votes mean to the well-being of the country as a whole. Young people are at a stage in their lives where they are articulate, and so they can understand a reasonable argument that is presented to them in an easy to understand manner. Another way to get younger people to vote is by presenting campaigns to them through a medium that they are already comfortable with. This of course refers to social media such as Facebook

Monday, October 14, 2019

Campaign Strategy Essay Example for Free

Campaign Strategy Essay 1) What are the goals of the campaign? 2) What questions need to be answered to reach those goals? This is a list of general campaign questions to help start your research process. These are not research questions. Each general campaign question should generate a list of more specific research questions. For example, What is the issue/problem? could lead to the question, What is the history of lead poisoning in our community? General questions to ask about a campaign: 1. What is the issue/problem? (Understand their arguments. ) 2. What are the solutions or alternatives? (Develop our arguments.) 3. Who else is trying to change the problem, how effective are they, and what are their solutions? (Potential allies. Locate a niche. Avoid obstacles and duplication of effort.) 4. Who can implement those solutions? Who has the power? (The Targets) 5. What kind of campaign would it take to convince them? (Feasibility test.) A. How long would victory take? What are the time constraints? B. What are tactics and paths to a victory? C. What are the opportunities or obstacles? D. What has worked for other organizations on similar campaigns? 6. Who are the other players? A. Who would support change? (Allies) B. Who opposes change? (Opposition) C. Who could become allies/opposition, but are currently neutral? 7. Does our base have the power and resources to win this campaign? 8. Will this campaign build our movement, base, or organization? WHAT IS A CAMPAIGN STRATEGY? A campaign can be seen as an organised, purposeful effort to create change, and it should be guided by thoughtful planning. Before taking action, successful campaigners learn as much as possible about: * the existing situation * who is affected by the campaign issue both positively and negatively * what changes could improve the situation * what resources, tactics and tools are available to implement a campaign that will address the issue. Campaigners use this knowledge to create their strategy, which guides them in planning, implementing, marketing, monitoring, improving and evaluating their campaign. A campaign strategy should answer the †¨following questions: Problem, Vision, Change 1. What problem are you confronting? 2. What is your vision of how the world will be, once the problem is resolved? 3. What change/s would bring about this vision? Stakeholders, Relationships,Targets 4. Who is affected, positively or negatively, by the problem? 5. How are these people or groups related to the problem and to each other? 6. Who are you trying to reach? 7. If your campaign is successful, who will be affected? Answering key questions repeatedly, at each stage of your campaign, about the problem, solution, stakeholders and targets as well as the tactics, message and tools you will use, will help develop your campaign strategy. Your campaign strategy will guide what you do and it should be updated regularly as the campaign is implemented and the situation changes. CREATE A COMMON VISION Its useful to involve your whole campaigning group in exploring the problem, your vision and the changes sought: a shared understanding of the problem will stimulate ideas about possible actions to take, and will also help your group to stay motivated and focussed during the campaign. Creating a common vision will also help determine ways to monitor, and adjust the implementation of, the campaign if necessary. Activity 1: PROBLEM SOLUTION CHANGE 1. Discuss and decide, as a group, what core problem your campaign seeks to address. Elaborate all the adverse effects of this problem. 2. Each person in the group should create their own answer to the following question: What would a world without this problem be like? * Use words, diagrams, illustrations. * Imagine unlimited resources (money, power, etc). * Discuss and enumerate all the benefits of this proposed world. 3. Combine your individual visions of the future to create a single common vision for the campaign. Discuss in depth which broad actions or changes would resolve the problem you identified, so as to arrive at the world you have envisioned. These necessary actions are the main focus of your campaign. Discuss the scope of your campaign: decide whether it has multiple components (sub-campaigns). If it does, you may choose either to narrow the focus of your campaign or create a multiple-campaign strategy. UNDERSTAND THE CAMPAIGNS STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders are people, groups, organisations, or institutions that are connected to your issue. They may support your campaign, be adversely affected by the issue in question, have the power to change the situation, or even be responsible for the problem you have identified. An important task when designing your campaign is to learn as much about the stakeholders as possible. You should: * Understand each stakeholders relationship to the problem and your proposed solution * Define the relationships between different stakeholders * Determine the ability and willingness of stakeholders to help or hurt your campaign * Identify which of these stakeholders your campaign should concentrate on to create the change your desire. Activity 2: MAPPING STAKEHOLDERS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS Start creating a map in which entities with a stake in your issue are represented as circles, or nodes, and lines between these circles represent relationships. It is good to use sticky papers (post-it notes) for this activity because they can be moved about as required. 1. Discuss the interaction that is at the root of the problem your campaign wants to address. Who creates the problem? Who is affected by it? How and why are these entities connected to one another? 2. Continue, taking notes as you go along, until you can identify the interaction between entities (nodes) that most represents what you seek to change. 3. Identify all of the nodes between which this kind of interaction is happening. 4. Place these nodes at the center of your map. 5. Identify the relationships of these central nodes with others nodes on your map. Start locally and move outward regionally, nationally, internationally and globally, if relevant. Depending on your problem, expand your map with two or more levels of nodes (marking these in a clear way): * First level: entities with direct contact to the central nodes (family / local) * Second level: entities with contact to the first level (regional / national) * Third level: nodes with general influence on the issue (international / institutional) 6. Next, draw lines representing relationships between these nodes and identify the kind of relationship they have; for example: * Power * Mutual benefit * Conflict * Potential After mapping out as many stakeholders as you can, you will have a graphic representation of your stakeholders relationships with your issue. Next you should analyse how your stakeholders may help achieve the change/s you seek. For more information on how to do this, see New Tactics in Human Rights Tactical Mapping. Activity 3: FROM STAKEHOLDERS TO TARGETS Begin defining specific objective/s of your campaign. Consider each stakeholders level of support and level of influence in the context of your campaign objective/s. 1. In simple, active terms, define what would resolve your problem and bring about the change you seek. Your objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. 2. Using the list of the stakeholders from the previous activity, identify as many as possible who could help achieve your objective. 3. Draw a horizontal and a vertical axis on a large sheet of blank paper (shown here). Place the stakeholders as follows: * The vertical axis represents their level of influence in achieving the goal of your objective from most influential (top) to least influential (bottom). * The horizontal axis represents whether they are likely to oppose (left) or support (right) your campaign. 4. After you place all the stakeholders on the paper, identify the most influential entities or individuals as potential primary targets, those who can make the change you seek. Note their level of support or opposition for this change. 5. Discuss the relationship of these entities to other stakeholders. You may already have this information on your stakeholder map from Activity 2. 6. Identify stakeholders who support your campaign and have influence on or relationships with your primary target group. They are your secondary targets, or participant groups, who could become actively involved in helping your campaign achieve its goals. Locate them on your graph and identify two or three participant groups to concentrate on. (Adapted from The Change Agencys Power Mapping exercise.) Activity 4: FROM TARGETS TO TACTICS Now you have identified the target audiences that your campaign needs to communicate with, and what relationships they have with other entities with a stake in the problem, you can consider what tactics will best address your target and participant groups? 1. Draw a half-circle, divided into wedges. Place those who most support your campaign on the left side of the spectrum; those who oppose you the most on the right. 2. Use your maps and sticky papers, placing each target and stakeholder in a wedge according to their level of support for your cause. The result is a spectrum of stakeholders, a few of whom you have identified as primary or secondary targets. A five-wedge diagram would include the following: a. Active allies: supportive and motivated to achieve your goals b. Allies: may benefit from your success c. Neutral parties: may not be involved or affected currently d. Opponents: may suffer from your success e. Active opponents: actively interfere with your activities 3. Use this diagram to help decide which tactics to consider, depending on each stakeholders location on the spectrum. For example: f. Supportive: use mobilisation tactics g. Neutral: use educational. visualisation tactics h. Opposing: use disruption, interference tactics (Adapted from New Tactics in Human Rights Spectrum of Allies exercise.) This card was created by Namita Singh and Ali Gharavi in collaboration with Tactical Tech. There are four essential elements to every successful capital campaign: the Case; Leadership; Prospects; and, the Plan. This article is last in a series addressing each element and will focus on designing a successful capital campaign plan. You cannot do everything at once, but you can do one thing at a time. Begin by designing a comprehensive campaign strategy that works well you and your organization. Every successful campaign begins with a plan. The campaign plan is a detailed set of procedural guidelines for campaign leaders and volunteers. The successful campaign plan is built with two overriding principles in mind: (1) Anything other than a complete success is entirely unacceptable; and (2) To ensure the complete success of this fundraising effort, the campaign must be formally declared (and treated) as the primary institutional priority of the organization throughout the fundraising timetable. Recognizing and stating these basic truths puts you into the mindset to make the dec isions and commitments necessary for a successful campaign. From there, we begin to incorporate essential fundraising elements into a comprehensive strategy. Just as there are the four essential elements of a successful campaign (Case, Leadership, Prospects and Plan) there are many vital techniques at work within a good fundraising plan, among them the use of: personal visits, a phased approach, specific gift requests, lead and major gift solicitation, pledge type gifts. Personal visits always yield more money. People give to people—people they love, people they admire, people they respect and even people they fear. Often it is the personal relationship of the volunteer making the request that has the most sway with the potential donor. Our classic technique demands that we employ a phase-by-phase approach to our fundraising, always asking for the largest gifts first, and then medium sized gifts and finally smaller gifts. This ensures that we create enthusiasm and build momentum. Our success, as evidenced by our rapidly rising fundrais ing totals and our large average gift, will pull undecided people toward us and encourage them to give. Victory has a thousand fathers, yet defeat is always an orphan. One of the most important concepts we must use is to ask for a specific gift. We should be asking mostly with a view of our need in mind, but with some view of their means in mind as well. As we articulate the request, we want to make it clear that the reason we are asking them for this specific amount is because we need it if we are to succeed. It is important that they not get the sense that we are asking them for this amount just because we think they have it, or because we think that is what they â€Å"ought to give,† but only because â€Å"we have this enormous need and a limited number of people of means to whom we can turn.† If people are going to help you achieve ambitious plans, they need to know what is required of them. You must always ask for the specific gift. Every campaign that is successful in reaching its potential is going to do a good job of soliciting Leadership and Major Gifts. Clearly some families are especially able to help because of their material blessings. Within the fundraising industry, it is a well-known fact that approximately 80% of the money (or more) will come from just 20% of the people (and sometimes fewer). These Leadership and Major Gifts set the pace for others to follow and they provide the financial foundation upon which to build a successful campaign. Much time is spent, early in the campaign, trying to determine who should be challenged to consider a gift of this significant nature. A well-run campaign will always stress equal effort, equal stretching or even equal sacrifice from every prospective donor, but not equal giving. Each prospect should be encouraged to do their individual best. Another element of a successful campaign plan is to offer people the opportunity to make pledges, rather than one-time gifts, and to offer longer pledge redemption periods where appropriate and possible. Depending upon the length of the pledge redemption period, pledges are usually two—three times larger than one-time contributions. In today’s busy world, people often budget their money very carefully. If a family were going to give you $100 per month, you would rather have that run for 60 months (5 years) than 36 months (3 years), would you not? Narrowing the pledge collection period is not going to get this family (which is giving out of current income) to pay the money any sooner. It will merely get you a smaller pledge. There are many other important aspects of a solid fundraising plan, including: Financial Goals and Objectives Clearly stated goals tied to both the leaders responsible for attaining them and the timeline over which they are to be accomplished. A Detailed Campaign Timetable Giving form to function, the timetable gives us an orderly way to approach a complex task, ensuring the most important things are going to be done first. Organizational Chart Clarifying the responsibilities of each campaign leader and showing everyone how they are related to one another. Description of Leadership Roles and Responsibilities Written instructions delineating the job responsibilities of each leader/volunteer. Campaign Phases and/or Divisions and Tracks of Activity Another form of timeline, breaking out major phases of activity and tracks of action. Many phases may go on simultaneously, while others will be the only activity underway at that given time. Lead and Major Gift Programs This most important track of activity begins during the early quiet phase of the campaign and continues until the potential for such gifts has been exhausted. Commemorative Gift Plan A comprehensive plan to commemorate the gifts of your campaign donors, especially major and leadership donors which might include naming opportunities, public recognition and memorabilia that you can give to outstanding leaders/donors (such as a scale model of a building, etc.). Keep in mind that the plan may evolve as the campaign moves forward. Often this is a function of actual early results, and who is giving at what levels. Who is accepting a leadership role? Preparing a detailed timetable and organizational chart is a good way of measuring the progress of the campaign in relation to the plan and detecting when necessary adjustments or revisions may be needed. It also provides a specific measure of accountability. Establish goals for each constituency and phase. Everyone needs to know what is expected of him or her! A statistical summary of the number and level of gifts required to reach the campaign goal for each phase of activity should be kept regularly. This list should be constantly monitored against progress to date and should be consulted daily to develop a precise order of solicitation, thus providing us a plan and timetable for asking. In summary, the campaign plan is one of the four essential elements of a successful capital campaign and must be carefully researched and crafted. Remember to keep a close eye on the fundraising plan and modify it in view of your actual experiences. The plan is your road map to success. Remember, it is static while the world is very dynamic. Use the plan as your basic guide, maintaining your liberty to deviate from it briefly where called upon, and you will find it serves you quite nicely and leads to your fundraising success.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Strategic Management Approaches For Managing Change

Strategic Management Approaches For Managing Change The subject for this intended research will focus on problem-solving and how organizations can successfully manage change during difficult periods of economic development by relying on the integration of strategic management approaches so they can become learning organizations. It will use the UAE government as the organization to be profiled, with its employees for the questionnaire survey to obtain useful data into what changes are needed in the UAE government for achieving its overall objectives. Since managing change requires identifying weaknesses and developing strategies for turning them into strengths, strategic management techniques are very effective. There will be both primary and secondary deductive research methods using theories for testing data. Although there are many different drivers for change in organizations, developing nations like the UAE and its government must undergo extensive restructurization that requires recognizing change as an ongoing process affecting all departments, employees and processes. Change management theories support the need for strategic management approaches being implemented for companies or governments to become learning organizations that can continuously adapt to the unpredictable dynamics of economic, social and infrastructure change. Organizations that refuse to adapt to change often become inefficient and obsolete, so it is in their own best interest to learn how to adjust their leadership and management processes to gain knowledge about and become skilled at adaptation. Introduction Change is a continuous process where organizations either adapt to their new environment or they will not survive. Organizational change requires major restructurization on all levels to accomplish the overall goals of managerial expectations exceeding results to compel employees to perform better. Change management refers to considering problems as opportunities for future improvement that can help organizations achieve their goals. Managing change for organizations means learning how to convince managers that investing in the resolution of present problems is a worthwhile risk that can result in long-term success. Managing change must be performed at the highest managerial level and all throughout the organization if it is to be effective for the long term. Managing change also involves persuading employees that the risk of altering their current performance is worth the future higher performance levels they will eventually reach. Change management relates to learning how to proper ly manage change through extensive knowledge management and job skills training to upgrade all employee performance which will gradually result in higher organizational performance. Strategic change management approaches for managing change are the most effective methods of developing learning organizations that can suitably adapt to change. Research Question Are strategic change management approaches for managing change the most effective methods of developing learning organizations so they can suitably adapt to change? Research Objectives Intended Outcomes Some of the main research objectives and outcomes for this project will involve: Determining which change management strategies are useful for managing organizational change Explaining how strategic management approaches can help manage change Describing what organizational learning strategies are and how they help companies become continuous learning organizations able to suitably adapt to and successfully manage change Company Background The organization that will be researched and profiled for this dissertation will be the UAE government which was established in 1974. This organization focuses on creating and implementing strategic policies, plans and procedures for the development of the local UAE infrastructure. This includes assisting the UAE President and UAE Ruler Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan in handling all responsibilities and delegating authority to carry out his strategic plans. The government is in charge of all UAE governmental Ministries and agencies. This office manages, supervises and reviews all activities related to the UAE government, including construction development projects they sponsor, service and IT development, and governmental performance improvement programs (Mohammed, 2010, 1-6) (Ali, 2010, 1-3). Background of Problem: Etisalats Challenges To Managing Change There are several problems and challenges that Etisalat is currently dealing with in order to improve their global market positioning, such as: Contrasting processes of change response-Etisalat has been using two different methods of adapting to change that are working together well, which has helped them deal with many issues within the company; however, these two strategies are also causing some internal problems dealing with communication and teamwork among the global offices Etisalats specialization in the telecommunications industry has allowed for increased communication between employees and management, yet it reduces the chances for expansion worldwide Etisalats diversification uses strategic alliances with global suppliers, which helps expand to international markets, yet decreases communication internally Etisalats management changed the organizational culture from a hierarchal authority to using workplace teams, which has been difficult for managers and employees to adjust to and led to resistance to change strategies (Mohammed, 2010, 1-6) (Ali, 2010, 1-3). Etisalats main issues all deal with how the company has been expanding so quickly that the employees and management are not communicating well together. They are not working well in teams and that reduces overall efficiency. The company has been having trouble adapting to the external PEST industry changes and internal SWOT company changes as well, which has led to many redundancies and high overhead costs. The company has also been adding new firms through acquisition and expanding to new countries with different cultures, so employees speaking different languages and having diverse cultural traditions and business practices may not be blending well with the UAE processes and systems. Etisalat has to develop many different global strategies that all focus on integration and collaboration. Etisalat has been focusing on expansion without concentrating on coping with the consequences of such major internal company and employee changes, which has created a lot of tension and resentment. Employees who do not have job satisfaction do not perform well and often end up quitting. There are also managerial problems in the decision-making that appear to come from a lack of international business experience. The company may need to hire more experienced global business managers who have been running multinational operations for other firms and who are already familiar with the problems involved. Etisalat may also be suffering from too rapid expansion and globalization that could cause them to have major problems later on if they do not properly address them now (Mohammed, 2010, 1-6) (Ali, 2010, 1-3). Etisalat managers do not have the capabilities of dealing with multicultural environments very well since they did not have those issues before. They also do not have any type of cultural diversity awareness programs in their HRM strategies that could help all employees learn how to adapt to global workplace environments. The company has to adopt new technologies and implement them into the workplace to increase efficiencies and core competencies. The company also seems to need a better organizational culture that is more productive and visionary so they can adapt to changes in the market. The management team must be dedicated to identifying all changes that must be made and integrating proper strategies to deal with them. They must adopt more e-ordering systems and online strategies for increasing production and customer services. They also appear to need tactics for embracing change rather than resisting it from all levels of management and employees. The company needs to incorpora te strategies that focus on money management, generation of new sales revenues and increasing profitability for the long-term (Mohammed, 2010, 1-6) (Ali, 2010, 1-3). Etisalats Change Management Strategic Direction Etisalats managers hope to alter their strategic direction to include change management approaches that will allow them to: Expand to new countries by profiling target markets preferences and demands Etisalat must develop a comprehensive HRM change management strategy allowing for increased efficiency, productivity, communication and teambuilding Adopt online e-marketing strategies to appeal to global markets Develop a streamlined strategy that coordinates management and employee communication and teamworking (Mohammed, 2010, 1-6) (Ali, 2010, 1-3). Literature Review: Justification of Research on Managing Change Li (2001) states managing change means analyzing the organizations gaps between employee and company actual performance and the anticipated results expected by management. For change management to be successful, theoretical strategic management strategies must be effectively integrated into organizational real-world scenarios. Managing change requires companies to prepare ahead of time for uncertainty by developing their employees individual potential and turning their firms into continuous learning organizations. To avoid the usual resistance to change that often comes from organizational restructurization, change management strategies help managers better communicate with employees to focus on learning and training programs to adapt to the changes needed for long-term success and market leadership (Hiatt, 2003, 55-68) (Tucker, 1991, 44-56). According to Kruger (2003), effectively managing organizational change means planning for uncertainty, and learning how to adapt to all types of changes, such as economic change, personnel change, leadership or managerial change, technological change or industry change. Organizational change management theories refer to managing change as a long-term ongoing process where various drivers of change are identified and appropriate strategies are formulated to alter managers and employees performance, attitudes and behaviors. Managing change during recessions like the recent period relates to taking on new technologies to become more innovative, efficient and productive. It refers to learning about market competition to know the strategies rivals are pursuing to develop more effective approaches to counteract them (Adler, 2007, 56-72). Change Management Prosci (1998) developed the ADKAR Model for providing assistance to organizations that required change management strategies. This model helps employees and management adapt to the changes in business strategies, duties, procedures and attitude adjustments needed for organizational transformation. Prosci also feels developing action plans for both professional and personal change management is the key to successful implementation and less resistance. Since there are many barriers to change within organizations, Prosci believes that acknowledging them so they can be properly addressed is the most effective means of overcoming change management issues. Kraus (2008) feels global change management must include identifying obstacles in employee attitudes and behavior to create stronger information and communication strategies (Golding, 2008, 82-104) (Hiatt, 2003, 55-68). Change Management Indicator Chart Source: Kempster, 2010. The change management indicator chart explains the practices for adopting change, including establishing the vision and leadership for the organization, knowing the workforces personality traits, understanding the workforces behavior and attitudes toward the change process, what the impact of the changes will be on the staff, the nature of the changes to be implemented, and realizing how the changes will alter the attitudes of employees and managers for the long term (Martel, 2008, 112-117). Garrett (2007) states increasing awareness of the changes needed, explaining why they are necessary, gaining appropriate feedback, and building employee participation in the change process are all essential components in change initiatives. Stacey (2008) feels organizational change management must include a full restructurization of all departments to properly adapt to global changes in the market. This example of a configuration management database explains how the main divisions that must adopt change management policies and processes include: resource management, financial management, service desk and future planning with strategic management (Georgiades, 2008, 216-224) (Golding, 2008, 82-104). Strategic Management Strategic management involves a comprehensive organizational set of corporate, business and functional strategies for defining the companys objectives, vision and mission using a Balanced Scorecard approach to assess overall performance and progress in reaching its long-term goals. Arieu (2007) feels strategic management is a continuous process for evaluating the competitors, business and industry to achieve objectives and goals. Strategic management is supported by Porters many theories that focus on gaining competitive advantages to face rivals in competitive environments (Hill, 2009, 59-75). Organizational Learning Organizational learning relates to various models of transforming companies into learning organizations by helping them become adaptive. Lamb (1984) feels organizational learning must include the adoption of new technologies and innovations to compete with rivals. Continuous learning is a necessary part of employee development that the HR Department provides with courses, job skills training and work experience. Learning organizations actively promote and facilitate collective learning as a part of the change management process (Beckhard, 2005, 161-182) (Peters, 2008, 113-126). Research Methodology Sosa believes epistemology is considered the philosophical theory of knowledge related to the meaning of knowledge and what restrictions there are to gaining and understanding it. Epistemology refers to comprehending knowledge, what others know, how it can be acquired, how it was gained in the past, and why it is significant in life. Epistemological study relates to evaluating the nature of all knowledge and how it refers to beliefs, justification and truth. It explains how knowledge can be produced and why there is sometimes skeptism about knowledge claims due to the way it was obtained. These explanations relate to this research project because they show how important epistemology is to conducting research studies and why the knowledge gained from them must be accurate and verifiable for it to be applied to future real-world situations (Brigley, 2005, 119-125). Research Design Data Collection This project will use both primary and secondary deductive research methods with epistemological interpretivism approaches to gain valuable insight into how well the company can adapt to change. The methodology for this project will research how to gain a comprehensive overview of what challenges the company faces coping with market and consumer demand changes and what change management strategies will help them improve their business for the future. The primary research methods will involve conducting a survey using a 10-question survey questionnaire that can be passed out to a random sample group of 50 Etisalat employees aged 24-30 years old. This sample group will be emailed the survey to fill out and then it will be collected to analyze the results. Deductive Inductive Reasoning in Research Source: King, 2008. The progression in the chart shows how in research methodology, deductive reasoning is a top-down approach that goes from thinking about a theory, forming a hypothesis, observing the participants in the research study, and using the data for confirming the theory. However, in inductive reasoning, it is a bottom-up approach where observation is the initial start for the researcher, where they search for behavioral patterns, make a tentative hypothesis, develop a theory, and then confirm that theory as a result of it being justified from the data (Yin, 2008, 128-137). Qualitative Research Methods Source: Bradley, 2006. The model explains the elements of qualitative research methods, which include soft systems methodology (SSM), Delphi study, action research, field experiments, focus groups, case studies, and interviews. Qualitative research also includes conversation analysis, content analysis, repertory grid with photo sorting, cognitive mapping, laddering and structural analysis. It involves phenomenological description, ethnomethodology, projective techniques and critical discourse analysis. Qualitative research methods also use narrative interviews, grounded theory, participant observation, ethnographic interviews, log books and diaries, phenomenography, ethnography and thick descriptions (Jankowicz, 2007, 118-134) (Kelly, 2006, 118-129). This projects research process will involve using both quantitative and qualitative research methods which will allow for data to be calculated into a statistical analysis format and then evaluated in an overall analysis to provide an accurate perspective on the sample groups responses. There will also be an in-depth tape recorded half-hour personal interview conducted with an Etisalat manager to gain insight into their future change management strategies for the long term. All surveys and interviews will be anonymous to protect the confidentiality of the sample group and participants and all ethical guidelines will be adhered to so the research can be used for the future as a framework for improving change management strategies. The information will be analyzed and the results calculated into percentages for overall analysis. The secondary methods will involve research of academic journals, textbooks, library books and newspaper articles related to strategies for managing change. Code of Ethics Limitations All ethical codes will be adhered to during this project to protect the integrity of the research proposed. It will conform to all global ethical research standards to achieve its research objectives, including avoiding plagiarism, using suitable in-text references and citations to give credit to theorists, and allowing the survey participants to be anonymous to protect their privacy and identity to ensure their jobs will not be in jeopardy. There should not be any major limitations to gathering the data since I have already spoken to the management and they have agreed to allow the survey. Action Plan 1st week: begin researching Internet for journals and library for books 2nd week: make questions for survey questionnaire 3rd week: take notes on articles and books, work on how to format research data 4th week: distribute the survey to employees 5th week: collect surveys and put together statistical results for analysis 6th week: analyze results of survey and interviews 7th week: begin writing final draft of paper 8th week: perform all editing and complete final paper Conclusion Many multinational corporations are enduring in todays highly competitive business environments as they learn how to adopt change management strategies to become learning organizations that can appropriately handle multicultural markets, new technological developments and e-tactics to coping with change. This type of strategy would benefit both managers and employees as they learn how to cope with new problems and people who may have different ways of communicating with others at work. Etisalat also appears to be having difficulty understanding how competitive it is in global markets, since they have been previously only focusing on regional expansion. They may have to have their management take more seminars, lectures and training programs on how to cope with global workplace environments during globalization and expansion. Etisalat can gain a competitive advantage over rivals in the market by integrating new change management strategies that allow for better managerial decisions an d continuous learning HRM training programs.